Affiliate Information
For every one of your customers who chooses to join KEY-BOOKS or subscribe to the new NAUTILUS DIGITAL magazine you receive a 40% commission on the sale. You receive commission on NAUTILUS DIGITAL subscriptions on a monthly or yearly recurring basis. 
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Your special affiliate hoplink looks like this:
You simply replace the XXXXX with your unique ClickBank id and you get credit for each sale. It's that simple. ClickBank does the rest including -- providing you with detailed reports and sending out checks twice a month, and you can set your own minimum payout.

Now just copy one of the banners below and link it with your affiliate url and make around $18 for each sale that is generated via your website.

Please save the banner to your own web site, i.e. Right-click the banner, select "Save Image As", give it a name, e.g.bookbanner.gif, then upload it to your website and link it using the hoplink above.


PopUp Ad

You can add this simple JavaScript to the HTML on your homepage to install a Pop under window that will advertise your affiliate link all automatically! This way, you easily transform your site into an instant money machine and receive immediate rewards for your efforts.

Copy this script and paste it between
the <HEAD></HEAD> tags on your Web page.

<script language="JavaScript">
var popunder=""
function loadpopunder()
Simply replace "XXXXX" with your ClickBank nickname

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